Happy New Year! AKM Group-CZ team wishes all our partners Happy New Year 2010!

Traditionally, at the end of the year we summarise the results, recall the challenges we faced and cheer our victories.

We are proud of a series of successfully completed contracts. Our team would like to thank all our partners. We appreciate your trust. We would like to recall our co-operation with the Polish company Military Aircraft Plants (WZL). AKM Group-CZ made deliveries of aircraft parts. It was a vivid example of coherence, professionalism and unwavering reliability of AKM Group-CZ.

We would also like to thank all our other customers and partners with whom we co-operated in the past year. We wish you success in the new 2010! Remember, you can always rely on AKM Group-CZ. We always gladly welcome co-operation, new contracts with our regular and new partners. We wish everyone a successful New Year, new opportunities, fresh ideas, and AKM Group-CZ in turn is always ready to help you in their realisation.

Happy New Year 2010!