The cause of the information attack on AKM GROUP – CZ is revealed

Our company supplies military and dual-purpose products to dozens of countries around the world. Of course, supplying commodities to belligerent countries carries certain risks and possible negative consequences, which is what we have encountered this year. We have such experience now. There were attempts to stir up a scandal around our name AKM GROUP – CZ, spreading fabricated untrue information in mass media.

Ukrainian independent journalists conducted an investigation, which revealed the original source of these discredited untrue materials, and indeed, it turned out that the information attacks on AKM GROUP – CZ were part of the hybrid war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the so-called IPSO.

The journalists have figured it out, and now hopefully the security services will as well.

Информационная война в разгаре: кому выгодно уничтожать поставщиков вооружения для украинской армии

Як проросійські ЗМІ зіграли на боці недобросовісних українських торгівців зброєю: з’ясувались нові подробиці гучного скандалу